Tour De Fleece 2019 – Week 1

TDF 2019 Week 1 | A Life of Projects

Hello friends and welcome to the 2019 tour! This week’s project focuses on…who would have guessed…Spinning!

We are one week into the 2019 Tour de Fleece! Have you been spinning along every day? I have managed to spin every day, although sometimes it’s just for 10 or 15 minutes, but that’s 10 to 15 minutes more than last month! Or even the last two months!

For this year’s tour, I’ve joined 5 teams…loosely. I’m better at spinning than posting and chatting, so this will have to do. I’m in #tdfteampeleton2019 of course. Then I’ve joined #TeamAkerworks2019, #tdfhousecup2019, #TeamFThisKnit2019, and #teamschacht2019. I’m also doing an off the radar team with my friend Kim who taught me to spin, and her mom.

Currently, I’m spinning a Rambouillet/Alpaca blend from my friend Kristen who owns Happy Bottom Homestead.

Happy Bottom Homestead Fiber | A Life of Projects

She plans to make the roving from her Alpaca’s available to sell in the next year, so I’m working on a sample that she can take to fiber festivals and photograph. I’ve got about 4oz of this to spin and another 4 in a brown. Both are natural and undyed. I’m spinning this on my Schacht Matchless using a short draw and a Z twist. I’m also using one of my Akerworks bobbins because I need to get my wooden ones re-reamed for this wheel. They have expanded over the years and get stuck quite easily, making spinning a nightmare, but the Akerworks ones work perfectly!

Tomorrow is a rest day for the tour, which works out well since I’ve got meetings tomorrow evening.

How has your spinning been going? Are you on any teams?

Why the changes?

I’m so glad you asked. And I’m glad you’re still here…(or I hope you are) or WELCOME if you’re new!!

So I had been slacking with this blog…especially when slacking with my knitting and spinning. I felt like I didn’t have anything to say. But…I’m always doing SOMETHING.

I decided to adjust this blog, and my username to reflect where I am now, and where I want to go. Here’s why…

Old Username: Knitter in Pink. New Username Former Perfectionist. 

I knit. This is true. I wear a lot of pink. That’s true too. But it’s not all I do. It’s not all I’m passionate about. And sometimes I don’t knit much. Sometimes I garden. Or bake. Or make homemade cleaners. Or…dissertate.

Also? I used to have to make everything perfect. And I still kind of do. But I’m working on it. I’m NOT PERFECT. Ha. And my new username is what I am trying to be. I’m trying to let go of the compulsion for perfection. It’s OK if I twist a stitch the wrong way. It’s OK if I have to spit-splice my spinning. It’s totally cool if I forgot the vanilla in the cookies. Fell out of my yoga pose? No big deal.

Perfection is exhausting. So is life. Why make it moreso?

Old Blog Name: The Knitter In Pink. New Blog Name: A Life of Projects.

Why? Isn’t your life made up of projects? My wedding…HUGE project. My dissertation…if that’s not a life project I don’t know what is. Sometimes I’m gardening. Some days I knit. I am a pinterest junkie. Tomorrow’s project might be a headstand. Yesterday’s was a half marathon.

So I’m going to share those projects here. At least one a week. I couldn’t talk about knitting every week. I tried. For years. But I do too much STUFF.

So all of it gets to be included. Why? Because it’s my life. And it has projects.




Best. Weekend. EVER!!!

Ok, I say that every year, this weekend.

Why? Because it was Montpelier Fiber Fest!!!! Every year I go with one of my favorite people in the whole world…she’s my mentor, my trainer and basically who I want to become when I grow up. I get to spend the whole weekend with her and her family, some other friends, AND we go to a fiber fest, AND get awesome food (because her mom is an amazing cook) AND I get to run one of my favorite routes, AND I get my flu shot!!! YES!!!

I’m not kidding, this weekend even makes me excited about flu shots.

I love this weekend so much. Only 363 more days until I get to do it again!!!

Friday night we got in late. I basically went right to bed so that the next day we could get up and go to the festival!!!

Photo Oct 05, 10 35 49 AM

I love this festival so much. Awesome vendors, great selection, but not over-crowded. I can look around, then go back around again and get what I wanted. No pressure. It’s fantastic. More on the purchases later. I promise.

So after the festival we headed home for dinner…and these awesome ladies gave me the most amazing card…and I lost it. Cried at dinner. They also got me a little gift to wish me well for the following weekend (this coming weekend) when I will complete my first-ever marathon. The full 26.2. The big dance.

*falls over*

So…I’m as prepared as I can be. More on that…next week.

Oh holy God I’m actually doing this, aren’t I? Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.



So. Stash that got acquired….

Photo Oct 06, 7 33 55 PM


From leftish to rightish: 1) Spinning gift bag from friend’s mom. Included a new lap pad for spinning WITH POCKETS!! What??!? Yes. 2) Alpaca fleece from friend’s mom is under that. AWESOMESAUCE. I almost bought one and was regretting it. She had some to spare. SO COOL. 3) Spindle and 3oz fiber for a gift for a friend that worked all weekend at the yarn store for me so I could go play!!! 4) 6 oz each of merino in slate and burgundy. Goal is to spin for the Tempest sweater. 5) White merino for dying. 6) So…I had a dream the night before the show. I dreamed I was knitting the Rocky Coast Cardigan….and I was wearing it in my engagement photos. So I bought yarn to make it. Why not. I feel like if something comes to you in a dream and it’s reasonable…you should follow that notion. 7) Random 3.5oz of cormo that was purchased to go with hard to see 8) which is my new supported spindle!!!! IS SO PRETTY!!! Better pictures later. 9) Spinners Book of Yarn Designs. *drool* Had wanted for awhile. Friends mom had it and I spent all weekend lusting over it. So I bought one. Then 10/11) is the gifty from the amazing friends and the card.

Fantastic weekend.

Well…3 days until Baltimore. I better get packed!!!

Social Filter Smackdown

Let’s start off with a small discussion on social filters.

So, I was sitting somewhere that it is socially acceptable to have a spinning wheel in public…and spinning on my Schacht Matchless. Spinning away. Loving every second.

And then…this woman comes in to the general vicinity of myself. She watches me for a few minutes. And then promptly states “I just hate double treadle machines”. To which I politely told her that that was fine, and mine was a single treadle.

(My wheel looks like this…..)

She stood there for a few more seconds and then said “Well but you’re using two feet”. I calmly explained to her that I was choosing to do that, but I could also treadle with one foot. I have a SINGLE treadle. ONE. ONE PIECE OF WOOD THERE. (I didn’t get shouty. Be impressed.) So she stood there some more, walked around me and finally said “Well, I have a CLASSIC single treadle, single foot machine.”

Good. For. You.

Did I ASK you if you liked my wheel? NO. Did I ASK you if you WANTED my wheel? NOOO. Do I CARE if you hate my wheel?? NO I DO NOT!!! Are you rude in walking up to someone and telling them you hate something they clearly at least like enough to borrow or own? YES!!! For the love of all things wooly, social filters, people! Social filters!!! Let me tell you, there was a LONG list of very rude things I thought about telling her that I “hated” but due to my upbringing and SOCIAL FREAKING FILTER, I maintained my good manners and didn’t tell her my thoughts.

She had a friend with her…and personally if one of my friends had have said something like that out loud to another human, I would have physically hit them. Or another option, the one I currently utilize, is to not be friends with rude people. I mean, turning to your friend out of earshot and expressing your loathing of jeggings is one thing…but walking up to a stranger and telling them about their fashion faux pas is not in your job description unless you are Stacy and Clinton. For seriously, people. SOCIAL FILTERS. Use them and encourage others to do so as well.

Social. Filters.

Moving on. And not beating anyone with sticks.

Knitting News

I fell down a rabbit hole today. I just discovered VeryBusyMonkey. Oh. Em. GEE. Have you SEEN her patterns?!!!? MUST HAVE ALL THE PATTERNS. Usually, I’m a free pattern knitter. I’m broke, in grad school, and value my free patterns. Yeah, I buy books and magazines, but I’m getting more than just a pattern or four with that. It is RARE for me to buy a pattern. Not because I don’t value the designers work, but mostly because I prefer to buy a whole book or magazine for some reason. I don’t know. It’s just me. I’m odd. Also, it’s rare that I like ALL of someone’s something (yarn, fiber, patterns, whatever). The only other designer I’m hardcore in love with is Wooly Wormhead. So now I’ve found another favorite, which is awesome.  I bought her Shawl Pattern #4 collection. I want every single one. The good news is that I’m getting one of these for Christmas. I’m gifting the patterns to a friend for a swap. I knit her socks, she knits me a shawl. SO EXCITED. I don’t know which shawl I shall get, but it will be AWESOMETASTIC.

I’ve also been working on mittens for KP’s mom. One done and size-tested on everyone’s hand I could find, since I do not know the exact size of KP’s mom’s hand…but I assume it to be larger than my tiny ones. If I was a good blogger I would have pictures. But I slacked. So sorry.

I did manage to get some spinning done though!!!

Spinning Stuff

DONE!!!! My first TIBH spin is all done!!!! Not sure on yardage yet, it’s resting on the bobbin right now. I’m also not sure what it’s going to be…. The colorway is Olivander’s Wand Shop. Mostly greens which isn’t something I wear a lot of…so I’m not sure what it will become just yet. But it was super-fun to spin. Love me some TIBH.

Photo Sep 21, 12 59 17 PM

Single ply…

Photo Sep 22, 7 05 39 PM

2 ply with some chain at the end because….I fail at spinning evenly.

More pictures once it’s skeined and set!

Craft-tastic Crap

Well as you know both DF and I are major University of Tennessee fans…and thanks to pinterest I have been stalking some super-cute UT wreaths. Then at the flea market I found wooden wreaths for $3. So why not make one???

I got some ribbon and wooden letters, painted them up, wove in the ribbon, and…..

Photo Sep 09, 8 25 40 AM

Super cute, yes?!?!

Well, that’s it for now. I’m going to go do some meal planning, school work, and remember to use my social filter!!! ❤

Big Orange Update

Well, the decision has been made, mostly due to the class and the articles we read related to blogging and our professions. I’ve decided to attempt two blogs. A colleague of mine runs two blogs, one professional and one craft-tastic one. Granted, she’s out of school and in her career…but still, I think I can attempt it. My main goal behind this is to improve my writing. This would force me to at least write SOMETHING twice a week…even if it’s not academic writing. (I solemnly swear to not APA cite things at you.)

So this blog will continue. It will IMPROVE. I will take care of it and post regularly. I can do this.

However we may not cover all topics every time…but we shall see.

Let’s move on to….

Knitting News:

I FINISHED TWO PAIR OF SOCKS IN ONE DAY!! What?!?!?!?! Yes. Yes I did.

Notice that I said “finished”. Not “start to finished”. Haha.

Photo Sep 02, 9 09 44 PM

Photo Sep 02, 9 11 37 PM

Both are just plain vanilla socks. The top pair had only been on the needles for a month. The bottom….heh. Let’s not talk about that. But I’m super excited to have two new pairs of socks to add to the collection, so of course I immediately cast on two more pair. One short pair and one tall again. Haha. The tall ones will be my Vols socks!!! YEAH!!! GO BIG ORANGE!!!! The short ones are for my favorite holiday, HALLOWEEN!! Then I’m also working on a hitchhiker out of my Into The Whirled ❤ handspun from TDF!!! 

Photo Aug 10, 7 00 18 PM


I’m loving the hitchhiker but…I keep either forgetting to bind off, or forgetting to kfb in places. Oh well. It’ll have some character, right??? It’s striping up nicely. I think I have around 18 points so far. I’m determined to hit 42. I mean it IS the answer, after all.



In other news, DF and I went to one of the biggest flea markets in the country that just so happens to be about an hour from where we live. I love this flea market so much. I’ve gone almost every year since I was little. Mom and dad stopped going while I was in college, but I continued to go and drug friends along. Thankfully DF LOVES flea marketing too.

We got a nifty shelf that was pretty dinged up, but a little sand, dusting, and spray paint turned my $6 investment in to some awesome bathroom storage. Here’s the before and after:

Photo Sep 01, 6 07 47 PM


Cute, right?? It’s now hanging on the bathroom wall holding all the clutter that I had on our tiiiiiny bathroom sink. Then I also got this uber-cute drawer for $5 (I tried hard for $3 but he wouldn’t budge.) I needed it for storage for my BPAL collection. Worked. Out. PERFECTLY. The box on the top shelf holds all the imps (tiny samples) and the rest are my different sniffies, now sorted by overall scent…beach, halloween, floral, etc. If you know and love BPAL, you get this. If you don’t…then go get some. Right now. You’ll thank me.

Photo Sep 01, 6 15 23 PM

And yes, there’s one empty slot. There is a BPAL order somewhere in the universe on it’s way to me right now. I shall fill it with the things.

You seriously have no idea how long I stood in the bathroom admiring my flea market finds on Sunday. Seriously. The cat even joined me to soak in the awesome for awhile. Technically I think he was debating if he could jump on them and reach a higher level at his Kitty Kingdom but I like to think he was appreciating my new decor.


So since this blog is my hobby-life only, I did start a new professional blog. It’s about my experiences in grad school, my research, my frustrations in grad school, and my main interest of the field of evaluation. If you have any interest, go check it out, otherwise just hang out here! Things may cross over from time to time, but that’s cool, right?

Ok good.

Well, we’re off tomorrow to see my FAVORITE college football team play. I’ve packed all the orange and white I can fit in a bag. I’ve got the car flags and magnets ready, my nails are orange and white, tickets are printed and packed….we are so ready for this!!!

GO VOLS!!!!!!!!!!

More next week!! (I promise.)

Trying to Reason with Tour de Fleece Season

Alrighty, let’s try this one more time! Hopefully I can stick with a regular blogging schedule. The day may have to be altered with my schedule this fall…but for now I’m going to stick to a Tuesday/Wednesday goal. I’ve also added a new category…Recipe Recommendations! More on that below. Go check it out!!

Knitting News

Oh so much to discuss!! I’m working on my first-ever patterned sock. Typically I’m a plain vanilla kind of girl…and I like to let the yarn do all the work…but…Cookie A tempted me. Darn her. This is the Elm Pattern available in Knitters Book of Socks. To me it looked more river-like than tree-esque…so I’m doing it in some Madelinetosh Baltic. *swoon* Photo May 29, 12 29 54 PM Also…I took up crochet. Just a smidge…I made these guys for a bowl in my kitchen. Could not help myself… Photo Jun 05, 4 04 14 PM   ARE THOSE NOT ADORABLE?!!?! There’s also a garlic clove and a squash not pictured. A peach went to my very best friend whose favorite phrase is “You’re a peach”. Awesomesauce. Except for the slight finger numbing in my ring finger but shhh…we will just pretend that doesn’t exist.

Spinning Stuff

Well…it’s Tour de Fleece…so of COURSE that’s happening. Some serious spinning this year…and some serious falling off the “being responsible with my money” bandwagon. DARN YOU ITW AND 2IBH!!!! Seriously…2ibH has nerd-erificly named colorways. HOW DO YOU NOT LOVE THAT??!?! Fiscal frugality falls to the wayside when I’m faced with deciding between Bertie Botts and Wolowitz. Come on now. What’s a nerdy girl to do?!?! But on to the pictures. Here is the TDF progress thus far…   First we have some Hedgehog Fibres that I started the week before TDF. What? I needed to…ya know…practice…warm up… So during TDF I finished and plyed it. LOVE IT. Wish I had more. Really wanted to do a hitchhiker with it but…alas…only 200ish yds. MUST SPIN THINNER. However I did learn to chain ply at the end of this plying. Kind of horrid at making even bobbins even if I weigh it. *shrug* Photo Jun 29, 8 29 12 AM   Then I started my first fractal ply! This is some locally dyed Finn from Misty Mountain Fibers. It shall become mittens of amazement. Photo Jul 01, 9 32 24 PM Oh, what’s it called, you ask? Rainbow Sherbet. LOVE IT.   Then of course I had to dye some of my own. I call this Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season. Ya like?? I like so that’s all that matters. HA!     Photo Jun 30, 9 08 51 PM Here it is spun…MUCH THINNER than the Hedgehog!! GO ME!!! Photo Jul 01, 9 01 09 PM


Workout World


Well…big announcement time….I signed up for my first full marathon. Mainly…just to get that 26.2 sticker for my car. But…partially because I have a great need to do the big M before I turn 30 next April. *moment of panic, screaming, kicking, and passing out* OMG. Anyway. Let’s pretend I didn’t just publicly shame myself. Ahem. So…the big 26.2 will happen October 12th in Baltimore with my awesome friend A with whom I share a brain. And maybe a parent. We are fairly certain our moms are the same person and that we are actually the same person, mildly genetically modified. She got the brown hair, I got the blonde…but mostly she is me…and both our mothers are insane. So…there’s that. Serious training. Mild IT band injuries…and some of the worst storms I ever remember. I’ve dodged more downed trees this summer than a blind lumberjack. Insane. But let’s get on to my new segment that I hope you will all enjoy.


Recipe Recommendations


YAY!!! So…I started getting a local CSA (Community Supported Agriculture…think of the stock market…but instead of money returned on your investment, you get food.). LOVE IT. Love. So hard. Splitting it with A…and hoping she agrees to it for next year as well because I’m officially addicted. I mean….I get awesome, mostly pesticide free, locally grown veggies AND fruit EVERY WEEK. FOR FREE (Minus the $$$ we paid at the start of the season…but since I paid in one lump sum….now every week it’s like FREE VEG OMG!!!). Seriously amazing. PLUS…the CSA exposes us to new foods that we have never tried or would never pick up in the market…like Kohlrabi. WHO EATS THAT?!?! Yeah. I do, now. And it’s pretty tasty. So my thought with this segment is that I will try a new recipe…and let you know how it goes. I see ALL these things on pinterest but…you never know how it will turn out or if…something needs to be adjusted. So…basically I’m going to review a recipe…hopefully weekly….we shall see. I used this recipe for Oven Roasted Kohlrabi. Photo Jul 02, 6 28 36 PM It turned out rather fantastic, if I do say so myself. It was basically like roasted parmesan potatoes. Pretty darn tasty…and SUPER simple. Garlic, olive oil, salt, parmesan, kohlrabi…GO. This + salad = Awesome summer dinner!   Except for some people….I told the DF to pack his dinner for work…and he put this in a bag… Photo Jul 02, 2 53 03 PM REALLY!?!?! REALLY!?!?! I make you spaghetti…even put it in a single serve container for you…I make chocolate chip muffins…pointed out the blueberries and apples…and you try to take THIS?!! Men. *eyeroll* Anyway….


General Chatter


So…I don’t have a lot of other news…except a small request. We have been having ridiculous trouble with both my and DF’s car…and now my poor sweet baby has a hurt leg. I’m worried it’s hip dysplasia…which won’t be fun for anyone. It’s a whole lot of expenses that we…really can’t afford…plus a wedding?? ACK!!! So cross your fingers (and paws) that DF’s car is magically all better after poofing smoke and shutting down while driving (HA!) and that the pup is easily healed. Photo Apr 29, 11 04 01 AM We head to the vet on Friday…send good vibes! Happy spinning!!!!

The Destruction of a Delivery Man

Hello!!!! Yes, yes, I know. I’m a smidge late on posting. My apologies. Pet sitting overtook my life. Let’s dive right in.

Knitting News

Working at a yarn store…creates yarn-buying accidents. I’ve bought…oh….9 skeins this week?

Ok, ok, ok, before everyone yells at me…it’s only around $8 a skein, AND it’s DISCONTINUED!!! Ok?!?! I had to. I mean….discontinued yarn means….it’s over. Done. Finite. End. I HAD to buy it if I EVER wanted to knit a thick and thin black and pink scarf!!! And then…uh….a orange and white one too? BUT IT’S TENNESSEE ORANGE!!! I HAD TO!!!!!

This is the pink…I have a weakness.

No one tell DB. Seriously. Do not tell him. I’m so totally supposed to be on a budget in preparation for grad school…but…ICOULDNTHELPITANDITWASPRETTYANDISPENDALLMYPAYCHECKONYARNINSTEADOFFOOD!!!

Yeah so I can’t eat for a week or two…but my scarf is pretty.

My lighting is bad. But my scarf is pretty.

I need to work on Christmas stuff…ugh. Is it that time already?!?! How about you? Any Christmas projects yet??

Spinning Stuff

I have kind of fallen off the Tour de Fleece wagon. I am going to pull the “I had to pet/house sit” card. I lost at least 2 hours a day due to driving/destructive dogs. I did, however, start spinning silk for the first time ever!! It’s going well so far. I’m starting from silk caps, pulling them apart and stretching it to roving. It’s a little easier than the Merino/Silk blend I did last. It sticks together a little better….but if I spin too thin and it snaps…I can’t splice it back together. I have to tie it together…unless you have a better suggestion?? Again, totally new at the silk stuff…any thoughts would be super.

I’ve got a little more than this, but this is my start.

I’ve done two pulls out of the first cap…didn’t weigh it beforehand so I’m not sure how much weight-wise yet. Hopefully this week I’ll jump back on the wagon.

Wants and needs

My good friend just got one of these wheels…and I so totally want one!!

It’s a spinning wheel with a bike tire!!!

I either want my dad to make me one…or find out where I can buy one. I’ve googled my little fingers off…but I can’t find any makers!!! This only makes me want this wheel more. I have “It’s not easily accessible”-itis.

Workout World

This week was really up and down for working out. Thursday I did a nice 3 mile run then a 30 min swim…then Friday I couldn’t get out of bed I was so exhausted.

But today….awesome run! I ran an easy 3 miles at the park and met a new running pal. There was an older gentleman up ahead of me, about my pace when I started. It took me almost a full mile to pass him. We were very evenly matched. Also known as…I’m a slow runner. Ha.

So we chatted and ran another half mile together. He had just retired from teaching high school, so we had lots to discuss. Then I turned around and he continued on. Hopefully I’ll see him again sometime!

That’s my favorite part about running. All of the people you meet. Almost everyone is friendly and they all have stories to share. It makes the miles go a lot faster.

I’ve got 6 miles on the books for tomorrow. Hopefully this week will be an up week!

General Chatter

ALMOST UNPACKED!!! Yes!!!!! I think I cleared out about 6 more boxes today. I can see most of the floor in my office now!!! It’s exciting. Trust me. And no one tell my mother that all the stuff I’m storing at her house is probably going to stay there. Hehehe.

So we’ve mentioned the house sitting this week. What I didn’t mention thus-far is the insane dogs. Sweet…but nuts. They obliterated a package that the UPS man delivered…and possibly the delivery man himself. I’m really not sure. All I know is I got home from work, and there were shreds of packaging at the gate…and 4 innocent looking canines all wagging their tails.

I got to the porch…and there was the rest of the packaging, including a large plastic bag that the delivery man had clearly intended to protect the package from the elements with. He didn’t come prepared to protect it from a pack of wild animals. I managed to dig out the packing slip which managed to only sustain one or two bite marks. The package was a water testing kit…and I looked all over the floor of the porch, in the bushes, around the house, around the gate and couldn’t find the actual bottle for testing.

Then I looked up.

The testing bottle…in a box…was resting on top of the upright kayak. With one tiny bite mark.

Let’s recap…shreds of packaging at the gate. Majority of the packaging and packing slip on the porch. Contents (or all I could find) of package 5.5 feet in the air, precariously balanced on a kayak.

So…any physics or animal psychology experts want to take a stab at this one??

All I can deduce is that the UPS man left the package at the gate…realized the dogs were going to shred it…took it to the porch….then a monstrous battle occured between man and beast…and the UPS man did his very best to protect the package…put it out of the dogs reach…and ran for his life.

Mind you…I’ve been wrestling power tools away from these dogs all week so…this is a totally plausible story in my mind.

Awesome Award

So I just found a new comedy band…Garfunkel and Oates. They are definitely rated R…and offensive to most…but if you enjoy adult humor, check them out.

I think this is possibly my favorite song ever…I wish I’d found it sooner. Could have been useful.



And on that note…have an awesome week everyone!!! (And don’t buy more yarn than I do. It’s not healthy.)


Spinning Sunday – Tour Special

Happy Tour de Fleece 2012!!!!!

Here’s a quick photo update for Days 1 and 2 of the tour.

Day One: WIP. Mohiar/Wool/Angelina. Finished spinning 2.5oz in about 2.5 hours. Also did a little drop spindling in the car!


Plyed the singles from yesterday. Slightly under spun because I watched TV instead of my wheel. Started some Silk/Merino from Fleece Artist.


Happy spinning!!!

That’ll Be Dr. Knitter

Knitting News

So much yarn, so little time!!!

I’ve finished my Sweet Georgia Socks and am now working on some neon ones. I don’t know how to function without socks on the needles. Come on now. Sock knitting is about as addictive as tattoo’s…speaking of which…I feel that itch creeping up again, but anyway, back to knits.

I started a new job…at….yeah…a yarn store. It shall remain nameless for now because…eh…that’s too much personal info. But the shop is one of my favorites, and I’m UBER happy to be working there. It’s seriously the best job I think I’ve ever had. I’m SO happy to go to work every day. It’s amazing. I don’t do well with sitting ALL day so usually I straighten the yarn, pet the yarn, admire the yarn…and clean everything. Then knit for awhile…then wander the shop rearranging things. My favorite part is when the UPS guy comes with new merchandise. For one, this means I get to pet new yarn, and it’s another excuse to wander around the store. Overall, it’s the best job in the universe. Pretty sure.

I’ve had a bit of cast-on-itis lately. I started the Inishbofin Cowl which is in the latest KnitScene Accessories…but for some reason is not on Ravelry. It’s my first ever pattern with a chart *gasp* but so far it’s going well. It’s for a dear friend who lives in a chilly place so I’m hoping to get it done quickly.

I also have acquired yarn for two sets of mitts from KnitScene Accessories.

The ones on the cover will probably be first. That yarn was acquired on a trip to Tennessee. More on that later.

Other than that…and some awesome free yarn from my awesome boss…my mom just got back from Spain and what did she bring me?? YARN!!!!! It’s pink so I’m super excited about that. Some of it was straight acrylic…so that will be for someone’s baby somewhere. Most was Merino/Acrylic. Not too bad. I don’t know if she found a real yarn store or just a hobby shop. But hey, it’s yarn from Spain!! Although it weirdly is labeled in English…but it says Made in Spain so….yeah.

Spinning Stuff

Well I’ve moved to a new location and Eloise (my Schacht Matchless) is poised in the corner…with not much going on. I have to remedy this soon…especially with the Tour De Fleece starting TOMORROW!!! I’ve never spun for the TDF, but I joined this year. I’m in the rookie team, Peloton, Team Nerd Wars, Team Schacht, and Team Spindlers. I think 5 is good for my first year, right??? Man I need to find my current drop spindle project!!! *gasp*

Here’s the current fiber on the wheel. It’s been there for about 6 months. The goal is to FINISH IT!!!

I have been working on knitting my handspun merino in to a Multnomah. It’s going beautifully so far. Just started the feather and fan. Pictures to come!

Wants and Needs

I desperately want a new spinning wheel…but that’s not about to happen. But if I could, right now I’d get a Ashford Traditional. It’s light, portable, and a Sleeping Beauty style wheel. My Schacht is great, but it’s a beast. I’d love to have a little ashford to tote around.

Also I have a tattoo of an Ashford Traditional so…there’s that.

I also really want to get some Fleece Artist. I currently own none. With my given sock obsession, I really need to remedy this. In particular, I’d get the Twilight colorway. I don’t have socks that color…which is depressing.

Then there’s this…

It’s KFI Luxury Silk. We carry it at the store I work for…and I pet it every day. The problem is…it would be around $60 for two skeins….but there’s this perfect scalloped shawl pattern…yeah. I want it bad.

But…I’m about to be a broke PhD student….so wants aren’t happening. More on the PhD later.

Workout World

This is a new section, and not really knitting like the rest of my blog…but it’s something important to me. I also don’t think all knitters are as sedentary as the general populous believes.

I’m mainly a runner. I do 5K’s and half marathons. I also love triathlons so I do a bit of running and swimming as well. Here’s a little bit of my race remembrance wall. It’s motivation to do more.

Right now I’m trying to train for a marathon without a race in mind. Every time I’ve tried to do a full marathon training schedule with a goal race picked out…I fail. So…I’m just focusing on doing the distance, regardless of the race. If I make it to an 18 mile training run, then I’ll pick a race.

I’m also working on doing more toning. Currently I’m working on the 1000 Squat Challenge. The goal is to do 1000 squats in 1 week. I’m doing 150 a day for 6 days, then 100 the last day. So far I’ve done 300…and I’m starting to feel it. Anyone care to join?!?!

Also in my occasional Workout Wednesday post I’ll be sharing a favorite workout move, or a really good running story.

General Chatter

BIG NEWS!!!! I got accepted to a PhD program!!! I have officially QUIT TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL!!! BWAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! It’s OVER!!!!!! Finally!!!!! Phew. 3 years was more than enough servitude. I’m going to be working on my PhD and hopefully teaching college and doing research from here on out. No more getting cussed out (ideally), no more hormonal adolescents, no more parents blaming me for everything…Sweet freedom.

The PhD program has led to a move back to my old hometown, so I’m super happy about that as well. The DB (dear boyfriend) moved with me from his home in Tennessee, so…things are somewhat serious. Including…maybe a little engagement ring shopping and talk. NOTHING official yet but…it’s a thought. 🙂 We shall see.

Overall I’m THRILLED with this new opportunity and SO fortunate to be doing this program. It’s a 3 year program in Agricultural Education. I can’t wait to get started in August.

Awesome Award

This Awesome Award goes to Lindsay who was on Jeopardy tonight. (Yes I am a dork and I watch Jeopardy) She stated that she took pictures of litter that she would find in indoor places and posts it to her blog. When asked why, she said that she felt people that were rude should be publicly shamed.

I officially adore her. Mainly because I spent a full 50 minutes (10 minutes per class) each year trying to explain the difference in a TRASH CAN and a BOOKSHELF to my high school students. I had 5 trash cans in my room. One bookshelf. I can’t tell you the number of times I cleaned trash off my bookshelf.

Oh wait…yes I can. 180 days of school times the 2 years I was in that room. 360. There. That’s how many.

So Lindsay from Jeopardy….you are my hero for today.

Here’s a link to her tumblr.

Well that’s it for now. Have a good week!!!!


Well it’s been a busy few months as I’m sure you have noticed from my absence. The good news is I’m back now! So let’s get down to business.

First off I’m going to try and add a little more structure to my regular posts. My goal is to have a few regular sections then some occasional bonus ones.

Our categories shall be as follows:

  • Knitting News
  • Spinning Stuff
  • Wants and needs
  • Workout World
  • General Chatter
  • Awesome Award


I’m also going to try and do the occasional Workout Wednesday update as well as a Spinning Sunday and Fabulous Find Friday. We shall see how this progresses.

Look for a post using the new format tomorrow!!