What Really Happened…

Ok, once more with feeling…shall we? (WordPress…has been hateful for the last 20 minutes. We won’t talk about it though.)

Ok. SO. Now that the holiday season is mostly behind us, let’s recap what REALLY happened with the Christmas Knitting, shall we?

So here is the list that was on the sidebar of my blog as it stood for my last post on November 29th-ish. (Yeah I’ve been a slacker on posting.)

1. Scarf for Aunt S – DONE
2. Mittens for Aunt C – DONE
3. Mittens for ? – DONE
4. Mittens for ?? – DONE
5. Socks for Jo – Halfway!
6. Shawl for Baw-Baw – Started
7. Scarf for BT – Started
8. Socks for Aunt Cy – Halfway!!
9. Ruffle Scarf for CL – Not Started
10. Socks for Dad – Not Started (May not happen)
11. Hat for RB – DONE
12. Mittens for Nemo – DONE
13. Cowl for LT – Not Started
14. Hat for K – Not Started (but I bought yarn!)
15. Mittens for HL – Not Started


And here is what really happened as of gift-giving time:

1. Scarf for Aunt S – DONE
2. Mittens for Aunt C – DONE
3. Mittens for ? – DONE
4. Mittens for ?? – DONE
5. Socks for Jo – Halfway! Still…only one sock done. She may kill me soon.
6. Shawl for Baw-Baw – DONE
7. Scarf for BT – Started…but on hold until next year. She got ENOUGH presents.
8. Socks for Aunt Cy – Over halfway!!! On the heel of the second sock!!!
9. Ruffle Scarf for CL – Not Started…and not happening
10. Socks for Dad – Not Started and not happening
11. Hat for RB – DONE
12. Mittens for Nemo – DONE
13. Cowl for LT – Turned in to Earwarmers and – DONE
14. Hat for K – DONE
15. Mittens for HL – DONE


So…10 out of 15 were accomplished. 11 if you count the two socks for different people as half finished projects and put them together and make a whole project. Hehe. So the grand count for Christmas 2011 will be 12 projects once these last socks are finished and shipped off. The 3 people who didn’t get knit-gifts didn’t suffer much though. CL didn’t know she was getting anything and still doesn’t so if I ever finish it…she’ll be ecstatic. Dad got cookware which thrills him no-end. Then BT….BT will survive if she doesn’t get knit-wear this season. I assure you.

Out of my 63 projects on Ravelry…I own 3. Beth has at least 6 to her name. So she has more of my handknits than any other human being. She also has my largest and most time consuming project…so she will be ok if she doesn’t get something knitted this year. She got a crapton of stuff because she’s SO easy to buy for.

But let’s go to the pictures, shall we!?

Christmas Knits!

Christmas Knits 2011


Top Row, L to R: Aunt’s Sock and Jo’s Sock. Kim’s Asshat, HL’s Mittens (there were 2, I swear). Aunt Co’s Mittens.

Middle Row, L to R: AB’s mittens, RB’s hat, Ja’s Mittens, LT’s headband

Bottom Row L to R: Ke’s Mittens, Grandma’s Shawl, Aunt S’s Scarf.


TADA!!!! Christmas 2011 complete.

Then….I knit THESE!!!!!!!

My first mittens that I get to keep!!!

My first mittens that I get to keep!!!


I’ve made 6 or so pairs of mittens…and these are MINE!!!!! I’m excited to wear them when/if it ever gets cold. Right now…I think winter forgot us…which kind of strikes terror in to my knitterly heart.


So, how about you? How was your Christmas Knit-List? Did it happen? Still working? (Someone HAS to be working still…I can’t be alone….can I?!?!?)

Let me know how it went! And watch for my upcoming sheep to….hat post. 🙂

The Countdown

Ok Knitters…you know it’s time. It’s coming. You can’t stop it…and your fingers probably can’t knit fast enough. You may not like the songs already on the radio…the wrapping paper and decorations for sale already in stores…but it’s coming. Heck, it’s here.

1 month and 4 short days….that’s all the knitting time you have left. Christmas knitting season is in full swing. We are in crisis mode here, people!!! Or…those of us with an absurd goal are in crisis mode. Perhaps you are much wiser than I am…perhaps you have chosen a modest 3 or 4 knitted projects to take on.

Me? Well I do have 4 projects. 3 aunts and 1 grandma. That’s 4.

But then I have parents.

And cousins.

And friends.

And nephews and nieces.

And a sister.

And the total comes to….(Seriously I have to pull out the app on my phone for this) a minimum of 13 projects…there’s a possibility for 15…but the goal is to have 15 done by Christmas. Yeah. 15. You heard me. I. Am. Insane. Whoooo crazy. Batcrap crazy.

How many are done? HA…let’s go see, shall we?

Mittens for Cousin (or maybe niece)

Mittens for Cousin (or maybe niece)


Scarf for Aunt

Scarf for Aunt


Mittens for Cousin (or maybe nephew)

Mittens for Cousin (or maybe nephew)


Mittens for Aunt

Mittens for Aunt

Well…so I only have 4 done. And I…started in…July? HA!!! Wow that’s sad. Well let’s see what I’ve at least got in progress.

Socks for Sister (One sock 2 in from done)

Socks for Sister (One sock 2 in from done)


Multnomah for Grandma

Multnomah for Grandma (on 4th lace repeat)


Scarf for B (Also making hat for her husband and mittens for son)

Scarf for B (Also making hat for her husband and mittens for son)


Socks for Aunt C (One sock 2 in from done)

Socks for Aunt C (One sock 2 in from done)

So….8 done or almost-done projects total. Other projects include mittens, an earmuff head wrap thing, a hat, the hat and mittens for my friend’s husband and son…so that brings us to 13.

4 finished + 4 in progress + 5 to do = Christmas Knitting Insanity.

So what have you got on the needles? Anything off the needles?? Is anyone out there crazier than my 13 projects????? I will find you some kind of prize if you can beat me. I’ll bake you cookies or granola or something. Come on. Who can top me? (And you totally can’t be retired, that’s cheating. I work 10 hours a day teaching high school. I can’t compete with someone with even a part time job)

Share your Christmas Knits!!!

Also…let’s congratulate the Knewest Knitter I Know….Miss E!!!! I work with E and taught her to knit about a month ago. She completed her VERY FIRST HAT tonight!!!!!!!!! I am so proud of her…and super excited because I think she may be the real-life knitting friend I’ve always wanted. She gets squealy like I do about pretty colors. I’m hoping to pull her further to the dark side and go to fiber fests together…she will squee with me…I can tell. We squee over shoes together, it’s an easy transition to yarn!

Welcome to the best part of your life, E. Congrats on becoming a knitter.