Contacts For Mom, Fireworks For Dad

How’s it going guys?!?! It’s been an up and down week here…and this weekend looks to get a lot more hectic, so let’s get down to business, shall we?

Knitting News

This week there has not been a lot of knitting. I’m blaming the Tour. I worked a little on the cowl for JoJo…and a wee bit on my socks. Other than that…no knitting.

JoJo’s Cowl

Neon Socks

See? Not much. Mostly it’s been….

Spinning Stuff

On to the TOUR DE FLEECE!!!! Clearly all of my effort has been here. You’ve seen Day’s 1 and 2 which included my proudest accomplishment thusfar:

Mohair/Wool/Angelina. Bought at Montpelier Fiber Fest in 2010. FINALLY DONE!

Day 3 I worked on a little of the silk/merino and some drop spindling.

Day 4 was mostly the silk/merino, not a lot though.

Then Day 5 was the 4th of July which was also my dad’s birthday. I did some drop spindling at the cookout…then…didn’t feel so hot later that day and didn’t mange to do pictures. But I DID spin!!!

Day 6 I finished up 50g of the Silk/Merino and today I worked on that some more.

Tomorrow I’m doing a spinning demonstration at a museum, so I’ve got around 3 solid hours of non-stop spinning!!! Yay!!!! My spinning teacher/mentor invited me to do it with her. I’m also bringing my drop spindle my dad made so any kids that want to try, can. I don’t let other people touch my wheel for the most part…especially kids. Do you share your wheel with others?? I can’t bear to…

Wants and needs

I. Want. Rainbows!!!!

Everyone on Rav/TDF has such AMAZINGLY colored fibers!!!!! I want to spin something rainbow-y.

Perhaps some FatCatKnits

Or Far Alaska from SpunRightRound

Then WoolGatherings has some camel…I’ve not spun camel……

I need to stop. My etsy cart is protesting and the DB isn’t home to smack the credit card out of my hand….*deep breaths*

Workout World

Well I’ve been mildly frustrated this week because I had to take two sick days off. NOT FUN. But before the illness I did manage to complete the 1000 squat challenge! That’s 1000 squats in ONE WEEK!!! The first two days hurt the most, after that it wasn’t too bad.

Last week I did 5 as a long run…this week (meaning tomorrow) I’m hoping to hit 4. It will be my first run since…gosh Tuesday!!? ACK!!! I’ve got to get back out there if I want to stay on a race training schedule. Sheesh.

General Chatter

So for those of you unaware…my corner of the world had some ridiculous storms last Friday night. There’s a good chance I was hiding in my bathroom for awhile…but that’s another story.

Basically I went outside last Friday night to walk my dog and saw this…

This was the leading edge of the derecho wind storm over my house.

I basically turned around and ran back inside without letting the poor dog go pee. We survived that day with power intact, but lost it the next day due to a strong thunderstorm. SO glad that is all over and done with. There were SO many trees down it was crazy.

Then the 4th was my dear dad’s birthday. He knows how to party.

He’s so special. As is my mother. She called me today. She was excited because she got her new contacts out by herself and I didn’t have to drive over and do it for her. (Not kidding…she’s made me do that twice this week) Then she asked if contacts come out when you cry. I told her no, they would not. Then she said she has “another good question” and asked what do you do if you’re wearing contacts and you get a bug in your eye. I told her to wear glasses and hung up before any more “good questions” arose.

And finally today I got to give my very best friend her one year anniversary gift. I was honored to stand beside her in her wedding last year. She’s been my best friend for over half my life. I am so happy for her. After her wedding last year I ended up with her vows and the box the rings came in. So I kept them…because I’m sneaky.

Today I gave her this.

Beth’s Shadow Box.

It has her vows, her husbands, and their ring box. She almost cried. I adore her.

Awesome Award

Speaking of weddings…

This week’s Awesome Award is for my friend Amanda Hanna who got married on June 31st!!! 30th!!! I clearly wasn’t looking at the calendar. I just knew it was the day before the 1st. Shut it Erika. She found her prince charming and had a beautiful wedding in Jamaica last weekend. I’m so proud to know Amanda who I met through our mutual friend, JoJo. Amanda is living her dream of being an author. Her books are available for download on to the Kindle nearest you!!!


Spinning Sunday – Tour Special

Happy Tour de Fleece 2012!!!!!

Here’s a quick photo update for Days 1 and 2 of the tour.

Day One: WIP. Mohiar/Wool/Angelina. Finished spinning 2.5oz in about 2.5 hours. Also did a little drop spindling in the car!


Plyed the singles from yesterday. Slightly under spun because I watched TV instead of my wheel. Started some Silk/Merino from Fleece Artist.


Happy spinning!!!

That’ll Be Dr. Knitter

Knitting News

So much yarn, so little time!!!

I’ve finished my Sweet Georgia Socks and am now working on some neon ones. I don’t know how to function without socks on the needles. Come on now. Sock knitting is about as addictive as tattoo’s…speaking of which…I feel that itch creeping up again, but anyway, back to knits.

I started a new job…at….yeah…a yarn store. It shall remain nameless for now because…eh…that’s too much personal info. But the shop is one of my favorites, and I’m UBER happy to be working there. It’s seriously the best job I think I’ve ever had. I’m SO happy to go to work every day. It’s amazing. I don’t do well with sitting ALL day so usually I straighten the yarn, pet the yarn, admire the yarn…and clean everything. Then knit for awhile…then wander the shop rearranging things. My favorite part is when the UPS guy comes with new merchandise. For one, this means I get to pet new yarn, and it’s another excuse to wander around the store. Overall, it’s the best job in the universe. Pretty sure.

I’ve had a bit of cast-on-itis lately. I started the Inishbofin Cowl which is in the latest KnitScene Accessories…but for some reason is not on Ravelry. It’s my first ever pattern with a chart *gasp* but so far it’s going well. It’s for a dear friend who lives in a chilly place so I’m hoping to get it done quickly.

I also have acquired yarn for two sets of mitts from KnitScene Accessories.

The ones on the cover will probably be first. That yarn was acquired on a trip to Tennessee. More on that later.

Other than that…and some awesome free yarn from my awesome boss…my mom just got back from Spain and what did she bring me?? YARN!!!!! It’s pink so I’m super excited about that. Some of it was straight acrylic…so that will be for someone’s baby somewhere. Most was Merino/Acrylic. Not too bad. I don’t know if she found a real yarn store or just a hobby shop. But hey, it’s yarn from Spain!! Although it weirdly is labeled in English…but it says Made in Spain so….yeah.

Spinning Stuff

Well I’ve moved to a new location and Eloise (my Schacht Matchless) is poised in the corner…with not much going on. I have to remedy this soon…especially with the Tour De Fleece starting TOMORROW!!! I’ve never spun for the TDF, but I joined this year. I’m in the rookie team, Peloton, Team Nerd Wars, Team Schacht, and Team Spindlers. I think 5 is good for my first year, right??? Man I need to find my current drop spindle project!!! *gasp*

Here’s the current fiber on the wheel. It’s been there for about 6 months. The goal is to FINISH IT!!!

I have been working on knitting my handspun merino in to a Multnomah. It’s going beautifully so far. Just started the feather and fan. Pictures to come!

Wants and Needs

I desperately want a new spinning wheel…but that’s not about to happen. But if I could, right now I’d get a Ashford Traditional. It’s light, portable, and a Sleeping Beauty style wheel. My Schacht is great, but it’s a beast. I’d love to have a little ashford to tote around.

Also I have a tattoo of an Ashford Traditional so…there’s that.

I also really want to get some Fleece Artist. I currently own none. With my given sock obsession, I really need to remedy this. In particular, I’d get the Twilight colorway. I don’t have socks that color…which is depressing.

Then there’s this…

It’s KFI Luxury Silk. We carry it at the store I work for…and I pet it every day. The problem is…it would be around $60 for two skeins….but there’s this perfect scalloped shawl pattern…yeah. I want it bad.

But…I’m about to be a broke PhD student….so wants aren’t happening. More on the PhD later.

Workout World

This is a new section, and not really knitting like the rest of my blog…but it’s something important to me. I also don’t think all knitters are as sedentary as the general populous believes.

I’m mainly a runner. I do 5K’s and half marathons. I also love triathlons so I do a bit of running and swimming as well. Here’s a little bit of my race remembrance wall. It’s motivation to do more.

Right now I’m trying to train for a marathon without a race in mind. Every time I’ve tried to do a full marathon training schedule with a goal race picked out…I fail. So…I’m just focusing on doing the distance, regardless of the race. If I make it to an 18 mile training run, then I’ll pick a race.

I’m also working on doing more toning. Currently I’m working on the 1000 Squat Challenge. The goal is to do 1000 squats in 1 week. I’m doing 150 a day for 6 days, then 100 the last day. So far I’ve done 300…and I’m starting to feel it. Anyone care to join?!?!

Also in my occasional Workout Wednesday post I’ll be sharing a favorite workout move, or a really good running story.

General Chatter

BIG NEWS!!!! I got accepted to a PhD program!!! I have officially QUIT TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL!!! BWAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!! It’s OVER!!!!!! Finally!!!!! Phew. 3 years was more than enough servitude. I’m going to be working on my PhD and hopefully teaching college and doing research from here on out. No more getting cussed out (ideally), no more hormonal adolescents, no more parents blaming me for everything…Sweet freedom.

The PhD program has led to a move back to my old hometown, so I’m super happy about that as well. The DB (dear boyfriend) moved with me from his home in Tennessee, so…things are somewhat serious. Including…maybe a little engagement ring shopping and talk. NOTHING official yet but…it’s a thought. 🙂 We shall see.

Overall I’m THRILLED with this new opportunity and SO fortunate to be doing this program. It’s a 3 year program in Agricultural Education. I can’t wait to get started in August.

Awesome Award

This Awesome Award goes to Lindsay who was on Jeopardy tonight. (Yes I am a dork and I watch Jeopardy) She stated that she took pictures of litter that she would find in indoor places and posts it to her blog. When asked why, she said that she felt people that were rude should be publicly shamed.

I officially adore her. Mainly because I spent a full 50 minutes (10 minutes per class) each year trying to explain the difference in a TRASH CAN and a BOOKSHELF to my high school students. I had 5 trash cans in my room. One bookshelf. I can’t tell you the number of times I cleaned trash off my bookshelf.

Oh wait…yes I can. 180 days of school times the 2 years I was in that room. 360. There. That’s how many.

So Lindsay from Jeopardy….you are my hero for today.

Here’s a link to her tumblr.

Well that’s it for now. Have a good week!!!!