Why the changes?

I’m so glad you asked. And I’m glad you’re still here…(or I hope you are) or WELCOME if you’re new!!

So I had been slacking with this blog…especially when slacking with my knitting and spinning. I felt like I didn’t have anything to say. But…I’m always doing SOMETHING.

I decided to adjust this blog, and my username to reflect where I am now, and where I want to go. Here’s why…

Old Username: Knitter in Pink. New Username Former Perfectionist. 

I knit. This is true. I wear a lot of pink. That’s true too. But it’s not all I do. It’s not all I’m passionate about. And sometimes I don’t knit much. Sometimes I garden. Or bake. Or make homemade cleaners. Or…dissertate.

Also? I used to have to make everything perfect. And I still kind of do. But I’m working on it. I’m NOT PERFECT. Ha. And my new username is what I am trying to be. I’m trying to let go of the compulsion for perfection. It’s OK if I twist a stitch the wrong way. It’s OK if I have to spit-splice my spinning. It’s totally cool if I forgot the vanilla in the cookies. Fell out of my yoga pose? No big deal.

Perfection is exhausting. So is life. Why make it moreso?

Old Blog Name: The Knitter In Pink. New Blog Name: A Life of Projects.

Why? Isn’t your life made up of projects? My wedding…HUGE project. My dissertation…if that’s not a life project I don’t know what is. Sometimes I’m gardening. Some days I knit. I am a pinterest junkie. Tomorrow’s project might be a headstand. Yesterday’s was a half marathon.

So I’m going to share those projects here. At least one a week. I couldn’t talk about knitting every week. I tried. For years. But I do too much STUFF.

So all of it gets to be included. Why? Because it’s my life. And it has projects.



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